Within last few weeks the website of the RECON project have been updated. Among other things, we have uploaded a couple of presentations that were given in 2014 in 2015. Below is a short list. See the Publications page on RECONs webpage for a complete list with abstracts.

  • Czerniawska D., Fenrich W., Bojanowski M. (2015), How does scholarly cooperation occur and how does it manifest itself? Evidence from Poland Presentation at ESA 2015 conference. PDF slides
  • Czerniawska D. (2015), Paths to interdisciplinarity: How do scholars start working on the edges of disciplines? Presentation at ‘What makes interdisciplinarity work? Crossing academic boundaries in real life’ Ustinov College, Durham University. HTML slides
  • Fenrich W., Czerniawska D., Bojanowski M. (2015) The story behind the graph: a mixed method study of scholarly collaboration networks in Poland. Presentation at Sunbelt XXXV. HTML slides