Earlier in August I was on the R user conference which this year took place in Dortmund. It was a quite an exciting event gathering around 500 people from around the globe and featuring 170 presentations and talks. Topics varied from new developments in the R system, newly implemented statistical methods as well as plethora of very interesting, and often visually nice, applications. You can find the list of abstracts and also slides for majority of the talks on the conference’s website.
I left the conference, I’m sure similarly to others, with a wealthy bag of new R “tricks”. The next UseR is planned to take place next summer in Rennes (France). The website is already there.
Among the available slides are the slides from my talk which was derived from my recent paper on coordination in dynamic social networks in heterogeneous groups. This talk focused on a computer simulation I performed for the paper. You can find the slides here. Additionally, a movie based on the simulation is now on YouTube.